David Parr House: An Extraordinary Interior

David Parr House: An Extraordinary Interior

Inside an ordinary-looking terraced house in Cambridge, UK, lies the amazing work of a 19th century decorative artist and working-class man – David Parr – a man who helped to execute some of the greatest Arts & Crafts and neo-Gothic designs of the day. David Parr created a stunning set of hand-painted interiors in his family home, inspired by his work for George Bodley, William Morris and many more. His work lay hidden from view for decades but is now open to the public to experience.

The house is a unique survival, a unique place. On David Parr’s death, his granddaughter Elsie moved in and stayed for over 80 years, conserving, and overlaying her grandfather’s ‘beautiful piece of work’ with her own family life of which many mementos remain. Join us for this virtual tour, live from the UK, to discover and experience not only David Parr’s house, art and story but also the already lost world of the 20th century, the relationship between arts, crafts and life of which this beautifully decorated house is the perfect expression.

This online program features social historian Tamsin Wimhurst, Founder and Chair of Trustees of David Parr House.

David Parr House: An Extraordinary Interior